Joe Lewels, Ph.D.
the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)は宇宙人による誘拐を追跡している機関だ。そこのJohn Carpenterが雑誌に発表したところによると。
"Abduction Notes," MUFON UFO Journal, April 1993
"Typically, these reptilian creatures are reported to be about six to seven feet tall, upright, with lizardlike scales, greenish to brownish in color with clawlike, four-fingered webbed hands....Their faces are said to be a cross between a human and a snake, with a central ridge coming down from the top of the head to the snout. Adding to their serpentlike appearance are their eyes which have vertical slits in their pupils and golden irises." Perhaps the most frightening and most controversial part of these stories are claims that the creatures occasionally are reported to have sex with abductees.